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Compiz Video Flicker Problem Solved

Oh at last! Ever since I installed I’ve been frustrated that any video seems to have major flicker issues. This is apparently caused by having the special Desktop Effects (from Compiz) enabled. kevinmedina was nice enough to share the solution he found somewhere...

Screenshot Taking

Just finished looking at an awesome post about screenshot taking. I love it when things I want are not only possible but already handled well. I love being able to take a screenshot of a specific spot in Mac OS X with CMD+SHIFT+4 The Compiz screenshot method he...

A winmail.dat Attachment Can Ruin Your Day

I don’t know if Windows® users get them, but occasionally I’ll receive an attachment from a coworker that uses Outlook® and instead of the attachment I’m expecting, it has a ‘winmail.dat’ file. You can read about the TNEF problem...

Moving Passwords Over

Very tricky. I have a lot more respect for the Keychain in Mac OS X after working on this. It is not simple at all. After poking around I cobbled together an Automator application (using AppleScript) that goes through the Keychain and exports the passwords to a file...


I use rsync a lot for website deployment, etc. There wasn’t an entry in the System > Administration > Services control for rsync. I just had to copy my rsyncd.conf file from /etc/ on the Mac to /etc/ in Linux and edit /etc/default/rsync.conf to say...