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I finally made a decision. The GNOME HIG people being unavailable, I decided that the following guidelines are usable (ah, the arrogance). There will be a green arrow thing that I borrowed from similar-use icons in Ximian OpenOffice that denotes a dialog and a yellow star that denotes a wizard. I decided that since the difference between a wizard and a dialog, at least in Bluefish, is nothing, so for now, the wizard mark will only show up for the first table and frames icons which actually say they’re a wizard in the tooltip. It might be good to rework those wizards to make them more wizard in appearance. I think technically a wizard is a multi-page dialog.

form Tag Icon form dialog

font Tag Icon font dialog

Table Wizard Icon table wizard

tr Dialog Icon table row dialog

th Dialog Icon table header dialog

td Dialog Icon table cell dialog

frame Dialog Icon frame wizard

frameset Dialog Icon frameset dialog

frame Dialog Icon 2 frame dialog

frame Tag Icon frame tag

Quick Start Dialog Icon quick start